Monday, July 11, 2011

Money and The Barter System (B.S)

Do a search for Origin of Money.
All economic schools of thought that arise state:
Money came in to address the problems of barter.
Maybe someone accidently stepped over the
whole economic humanity into buying this.

Why would three stone age guys
Fruity, Meaty and Rooty.
(I am not going to explain what they ate,
but I'll tell you these guys were my forefathers)

Fruity lived near mountain above the river
where all the fruit trees grew.
As he climbed the mountain he looked upwards
and saw the fruit hanging in the trees.
Meaty lived near the river below the mountain,
where all the animals came for a drink
He had too much of deer skin from looking at
them straight in the eye and throwing
sharp sticks and stones.
Rooty lived near the desert at
the end of the drying river.
where all the roots and dry sticks showed up.
The typical deserters.
Rooty had plenty of sticks and stones.
Looking down stripping off all the roots.
Making more desert all the time.

As time went by they wandered cautiously
into each other's territories, one would
chase away the other One wanted fruit and
the other wanted skin, they exchanged became
friends and started exchanging.
At times of shortage the exchange would
get difficult for one and easy for the other,
or maybe difficult for both or easy for both.

They misunderstood and understood.

They also had other Meaties and Fruities to go to.
Sticks and Stones could be exchanged
for skin and meat. Rooty was in the desert,
fruit and meat was always welcome there.

With Meaty in the middle strikes
Deal One:
Skin and meat in exchange for fruit.
Deal two:
Fruit, meat and skin for Sticks and Stones.

The lessons of the desert are expensive.
Meaty finds Rootys sticks are better
to hunt deer. He also becomes the middle man.
That is the origin of the middle man.

We can even sub-blog this, just about the two guys
exchanging meat and fruit and all the
possible social outcomes of the two.

But there is Still no sign of Money.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....!!!
    Never expected read about stone-age deal makers.....!!!

    This is a slap on the face of intellects who complicate others life.

    Nice one, expecting more.
